Bullies to Buddies Offshoot Projects
Be Strong Resilience Program
Izzy Kalman is the Resident Resilience Expert at Be Strong and lead author of the Be Strong Resilience Program, based on his Bullies to Buddies Golden Rule System.
Be Strong is a major bullying and suicide prevention organization founded by entrepreneur Roger Moore and his wife, whose son experienced the devastation of bullying first hand. Roy left a successful business career to create a non-profit that will help other suffering youth. Be Strong engages in fund raising so that solutions can be provided to individuals and to schools free of charge. Much of the daily nitty-gritty of the organization’s operations are performed by CEO Ashleigh Cromer and Director of Operations Matt Hayes.
Click here to read the press release about the launch of the Resilience Program.

Izzy was originally introduced to Be Strong by his student, celebrated youth motivational speaker Brooks Gibbs, who initially collaborated with Izzy on developing the program, and who filmed a series of videos called Bullying Prevention: An Online Course for Educators that schools can use to teach their students how to handle bullying on their own. (Izzy was not directly involved in the filming.) Be Strong provides access to the program for free. (Click on the title, above.)
After Brooks parted with Be Strong, Izzy concluded the development of the Resilience Program with the assistance of psychology professor Dr. Jennifer Peluso and Rocky Longworth. It includes two manuals, and a new set of 31 videos starring celebrities Jesse Funk and Jay Shetty. (Izzy was not directly involved in the filming.) The program is available for schools free of charge. In addition to the videos, it contains two manuals.

Click here to access.The Be Strong website contains a treasure of additional resources and programs. There are dozens of articles, including many written by Izzy. You can search for them by clicking here.
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