Workplace Training
“Very helpful and pertinent to our work with workplace violence and hostility – as well as to relationships inside and outside the office!”
– Taya Montgomery, Private Investigator, Seattle, Washington

Do you have ...
employees who feel bullied by bosses?
bosses who feel bullied by employees?
employees treating each other like enemies?
Are anger and resentment poisoning the work atmosphere?
If your answers to these questions are “yes,” your company needs The Golden Rule.
Nothing hurts a bottom line like hostility. Rather than staff supporting each other to serve the company’s mission, they waste valuable company time and money fighting and undermining each other. Rather than focusing on the task at hand, they ruminate about the way they are being treated and contemplate how to even up scores. Rather than looking forward to their job as a source of meaning in life, they dread coming and can’t wait to go home.
At work, we all want people to treat like friends. Unfortunately, there are many ways by which we instinctively treat others like enemies and aren’t aware of it because no one explained the rules to us. Then we wonder how people can be so mean to us.
Kalman enables us to see how we unwittingly treat each other like enemies and how to improve relationships by treating them like friends. It sounds too simple to be true, but Kalman’s Bullies to Buddies system will have you wondering why you didn’t see this before.
Imagine your company after everyone is taught to understand The Golden Rule! People will feel they’re among friends. Bullying will decrease. Employees and bosses will have more mutual respect. Anger will dissipate and a feeling of cooperation will fill the air.
For more information, to schedule a training, contact Bullies to Buddies at
US: 866-983-1333
Israel: 058-6906191
Video Program: Look into our full-length video program, Turning Workplace Hostility Into Harmony
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