Pioneer of the Resilience Approach to Bullying
Bullies to Buddies | Izzy Kalman
"We will never win the war against bullying by trying to convince people to stop being bullies.
We need to teach people how not to be victims!"
- Izzy Kalman,
Nationally Certified
School Psychologist

How to Win the War Against Bullying
How to Teach Your Kids to Handle Teasing ABC Good Morning America
How to Handle Physical Aggression
Be Strong LIVE Tour, Houston, Texas 2019

Israel “Izzy” Kalman - MS, NCSP is a luminary in the field of bullying, globally revered. Slowly-but-surely, he has been changing the way the world understands and deals with bullying, exposing the problems with the predominant legalistic approach while promoting a more psychologically valid one. His work has been featured in major media, including the New York Times and Good Morning America.
What does the research show? The most highly revered and intensive anti-bullying programs rarely produce more than a minor reduction in bullying and often lead to an increase.
A large-scale study conducted by the University of Texas at Arlington found that kids who attend schools with anti-bullying programs are more likely to be bullied than kids who attend schools without such programs. Why? And how can schools determine what is more likely to be effective?