Israel Kalman
Aug 12, 20116 min read
Principle Number Three: The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is the ultimate, all-encompassing principle for moral behavior. There is a story about the great Jewish sage Hillel who...
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Israel Kalman
Aug 12, 20113 min read
Senator Oley Larsen, the Best Friend of North Dakotan Schools
He is trying to save them from a well-intentioned but misguided anti-bullying law that will waste incalculable time and money while...
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Israel Kalman
Aug 12, 20112 min read
Principle Number Two: Actions Speak Louder Than Words–Or–Practice What You Preach
Most of the learning done by social creatures, including human beings, is through imitation. Imitation is a smooth process that requires...
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Israel Kalman
Aug 11, 20116 min read
Norway Massacre: What It Reveals About the Olweus Bullying Program
However, perhaps even more surprising is that in the wake of such a monstrous event the majority of those five million people would...
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